
Analysis Of The Play ' Queerspawn ' By Mallery Avidan

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In the play, queerSpawn, Mallery Avidan tells a story about a young boy and his desire to escape his small town. The protagonist, The Kid, is having issues adjusting to his small town and their hateful antics towards him and his mothers. The Kid wants to leave the town, but he does not know where to go. Besides, he does not want to leave his own mother behind. In the play, The Kid is going through a lot. At school, he deals with bullies, and the people around town, look at him as if he were an outcast. Indeed, The Kid definitely has a difficult life. However, the life of the character The Kid could be told in a female’s perspective. In consideration of The Kid being told in a female perspective, the entire cast should be depicted as …show more content…

Throughout the entire play, The Kid’s masculinity is tested. He is called a gay slur multiple times: “Hey Fag. FAAAAGGGGOOOT Faggot” (12-13). If the protagonist were a girl, her character’s girlhood would definitely be tested. Indeed, she would face the similar challenges as the male character. She would not, however, have the ideal title as the “head” of the household. If anything, the female character would be in the same hierarchy level as her mothers. In queerSpawn, The Kid is not bothered by others assuming that he is gay. Although he does not correct his peers, he does not want to be considered as a homosexual because he has two mothers. He yearns to be looked as an equal to his peers, not a pariah. The same could be said for a female version of The Kid. She would not want to be isolated and tormented by her peers, especially if they are all females; she would want be to be treated as an equal. If a lighting designer were to work on the play, the tone to highlight onstage would be isolation. By adding colors to the lighting, it would embrace the essence of the protagonist being a female. The audience would be in awe by the usage of the colors onstage. Colors like greyish-blue, dark blue and amber could be showcased in the play. The colors greyish-blue and dark blue would go well with The Kid’s depressing scenes. Then, the color amber orange work well with The Kid trying to cope with the everyday insults. The following colors would mend well with different

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