
Analysis Of The Shining

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Formal Analysis of The Shining In his exemplary horror film, The Shining, Stanley Kubrick uses various components of editing and sound to create unique and terrifying scenes. Kubrick relies on editing and sound design to aid the horrifying and creepy feel that was made in the in the movie. All throughout the movie, the unique sound design and strong editing techniques create many diverse effects on the viewer, however the most evident effect created a sense of fear and suspense. One scene specifically emerges as a skillfully edited part in the movie. In this scene, Wendy and Danny Torrance leave the hotel to walk through the hedge maze. Wendy and Danny both wandered around inside the massive maze. The scene then cuts to a shot of Jack walking up to a model of the maze that is in the lobby. The scene then cuts to a close-up of the model of the maze. Tiny versions of Wendy and Danny are shown walking through the maze. The Jack and the viewer can hear Wendy and Danny talking even though he is not with them. This helps the allusion that Jack is viewing them experience the maze. As the scene proceeds, it cuts to clips of Wendy and Danny walking in the actual maze. The maze scene is a case of parallel editing. Using parallel editing in the scene, the viewer accept that Wendy and Danny are experiencing the maze while Jack is watching the through the model of the maze. This leads the viewer to trust that Jack is viewing over the two experience the maze, alongside the sounds of the

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