
Analysis Of The Short Story ' Up Of A Michigan ' By Ernest Hemingway

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In the short story, “Up in Michigan”, written by Ernest Hemingway. This story takes place in Hortons Bay in Michigan. It revolves around a girl named Liz Coates and Jim Gilmore and the events leading up to the two having sex. Liz was a shy girl who loved and adored Jim, but kept that a secret to herself. Jim noticed little things about Liz yet from the Third Person Omniscient we are only giving us glimpse of Jim’s mind every once in a while, so we do not always know Jim’s intentions. The majority of the time especially toward the end the narrator is focused on sharing Liz and her thoughts, along with the actions that are happening to and around her. This short story due to Hemingway 's short burst writing style with a lack of too much vivid detail, has created a perfect story for a debate if the sexual encounter between Liz and Jim was sexual assault to Liz or if it was completely consensual between the two of them. Due to the thoughts and feelings Liz had towards Jim before they had sex, her actions during the beginning of the encounter, and the actions she didn 't take to prevent it. The sexual intercourse that Liz and Jim had was completely consensual. Since Jim had moved to Horton’s Bay in Michigan Liz was infatuated with him. She couldn 't go one second without him on her mind. When Jim goes away on hunting trip the narrator describes Liz’s feelings for him while he’s gone. From as soon as he was gone, “She couldn 't sleep well from thinking about him but she

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