
Analysis Of ' The Starbucks Story '

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The Starbucks Story
In the big city of New York City there was a Starbucks in every corner but in one specific corner. In the 5th avenue there was a not so famous Starbucks who the same people always came in. first the smart girl, Africa with his brother who won’t stop annoying her, Phil. Then is Steven, the one who works there and then is his boss, Isabel, the typical grumpy boss.
One day Isabel was with too much pressure because her boss her pressuring her with work. So Isabel starts trying to pressure Steven who was hard to talk to because besides he always was in a bad mood he was kind of a hermit person. So because of all the pressure that Isabel had all in her back because she is a very perfectionist person, she always wanted every …show more content…

Africa was just shocked and she said “I have had enough of you people, you guys are crazy, I’m out of this” her anger was a crash of thunder screaming from the sky. Steven was shocked by his actions, so he went after and told her “please forgive I am so sorry”—“it’s always the same thing with you Steven, you’ll never change, get over whatever is going on in your life, just get over it, it’s destroying you” after that conversation Africa left. After that day Steven realized that she looked as pretty as a princess even when she got angry. Three Days passed and Africa haven’t returned to Starbucks which was really rare because every day around 5 o’clock Africa always went to Starbucks with his brother to get her Frapuccino Caramel and to study, but she haven’t returned. Steven was thinking of the conversation he had with Africa about get over whatever is going on in his life, when Steven got back to home, he was so happy to see his dog Elliot, who loved him. As Steven was telling Elliot about his day he told him about what happened in his past “When I was 18, almost graduating from high school I wanted to be a surgeon, a really good one so one day I sat with my parents in the living room that I really wanted to be a surgeon and my dad told my “you don’t have what it takes to be a surgeon” that day my self-esteem went down and it was then when I left home” the next day at work around 5 o’clock Africa showed up with his brother as usual and

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