
Analysis Of ' The Wannsee Conference Minutes As Edited By Adolf Eichmann

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I. How well did they do in their translation? I believe the screenwriters did a phenomenal job in their translation of the Wannsee Conference minutes as edited by Adolf Eichmann. The film Conspiracy focuses on this infamous Wannsee Conference of January 20, 1942, where Nazi officials discussed the execution and implementation of Hitler’s “Final Solution.” Although the meeting only lasted ninety minutes, the filmmakers use that full amount of time to translate as accurately as possible what is believed to have been discussed. Because the only source information was heavily edited, the closing credits tell the audience that "this film is based on a true story, with some scenes, events, and characters created or changed for dramatic …show more content…

Because of this general neutrality, I found this film compelling and believable, even with the extreme lack of source material.

II. As part of the audience, what did you learn about the origins of the “final solution” from previewing the film?

While viewing the film, I did not expect so many of the members of the Wannsee conference to question the plan of eradicating Jews. In most versions of the history of Nazi Germany, we are told that Nazism spread like wildfire throughout the country, with even the most level headed, intellectual people agreeing to the atrocities put forth by Adolf Hitler. I now believe that the truth is closer to that of many of the men in power during this time period were coerced, even given ultimatums to agree to the plan proposed, whether or not they truly agreed with it or the mentality needed to execute it. As to the actual “final solution” proposed, I learned that when the Wannsee conference was held, the German government was entirely unaware that gas chambers had already been built and used. This results in one of the characters, Dr. Joseph Bühler, to say: “If it is already built, why this meeting?” I think this quote perfectly summarizes the general feelings of inferiority and powerlessness this group of extremely influential and dominant men most probably felt under the gaze of General Heydrich. In the film, the General opens the conference by stating that the current emigration policy isn’t working, because, “who would want them?”

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