
Analysis Of ' The 's Metamorphosis '

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One major difference Apuleius makes in his depiction of Psyche is that he places a premise in her original encounter with Cupid – she is not allowed to know his identity nor to see his face. The sequence of Psyche’s acquaintance with her lover, in fact, plays quite an important role in the story. People often say that, “To see is to believe.” However, it is not always the case. Under the circumstance of love, what one sees will be highly deceptive, as it is human nature that one will prefer individuals with charming faces or distinguished reputations and thus more easily fall victim to his/her biased judgement. As illustrated by the misery of Echo in Ovid’s Metamorphosis, her love for Narcissus bases so much on his outstanding …show more content…

As a matter of fact, the way a person communicates is a significant reflection of his/her mindset; hence, through their conversations, Psyche is able to understand the internal world of his lover and build up psychologically empathetic connection with him. (Quotes from the story of Cupid and Psyche that she is able to feel his kindness.) Without the intervention of illusive perception, Psyche senses the concern from her husband more distinctly by heart, and consequently enforces their association in later time. (outwardly attractive) Some might argue that even though Psyche might take advantages of learning about the true characteristics of her husband by her mind and soul instead of her eyes, the fact that she can neither perceive Cupid’s appearance nor get information about his life span still violates their relationship; Otherwise, Psyche will never try to ascertain Cupid’s identity. Nevertheless, to grasp the real essence does not imply that Psyche should never have knowledge of Cupid; instead, to know a person in a comprehensive way, both the interior nature and the exterior features are crucial. The thing that matters is the chronology of the cognitive process. In Psyche’s situation, she manages to decipher her husband to form their mental ties before she actually catches sight of him, and after that her discovery of Cupid’s truth constructs a more inseparable interconnection rooted with her intellectual comprehension, much

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