
Till We Have Faces Analysis

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The novel, both philosophical and mythological, known as Till We Have Faces, by C. S. Lewis, delves into a constant struggle between faith and religious explanations versus thoughtful and more reasonable ones. During the time of this book, the main character and narrator of the book, Orual, is taught throughout her life to worship the known gods and to use them as an explanation for everything going on in the universe. At the same time, Orual’s father has given one of his wisest slaves, the Fox, the task of teaching Orual and her sisters philosophy. He teaches her more reasonable explanations for everything rather than blaming the gods. Throughout the book, Orual has a difficult time knowing whether a situation requires her faith or a reasonable explanation. The Fox is a large part of Orual’s life, not only including her childhood. He is a slave from the Greeklands, named the Fox by the king for his red hair, and is more of a father figure to Orual and her sisters than their own father ever was. He teaches the young princesses to think more logically about situations and to follow reason over myths of gods. The Fox does not …show more content…

As Glome’s farming withered with a lack of rain, Psyche was to be sacrificed to Ungit, the god of beauty yet incredible jealousy. Orual visits the spot at which she was sacrificed and finds her alive but believing that she has been sleeping with a god in a beautiful palace which Orual cannot see. When Orual asks the Fox for advice, he explains; “As I read it, some robber or runaway has found the poor child, half crazed with terror and loneliness, and with thirst too (likely enough), and got her out of her irons” (Lewis 163). This reasonable thought leads Orual to convince Psyche to use a light to look at who she has been sleeping next to, resulting in Psyche being cast out into exile for

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