
Analysis Of Timothy Smith 's Climate Change

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Supply the Environment
(A Solution to Timothy Smith’s, Climate Change: Corporate Sustainability in the Supply Chain) The global supply chain delivers goods to consumers in a complex system designed around speed and efficiency. This dynamic network is becoming stressed as the transfer paths and production of materials grow globally. Anna Nagurney a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, confirms, “Added stress can wreck local and national economies. The entire world is at the tipping point.” When analyzing issues within the supply chain there is more at stake than just economics. Timothy M. Smith from the University of Minnesota, looks at the environmental consequences of supply chain disruption in his article, Climate …show more content…

The solution to the faulty global supply chain, presented by Timothy Smith’s Climate Change: Corporate Sustainability in the Supply Chain, lies within including environmental sustainability into; transnational policy regimes, technological development, and consumptive behavior of society. The legitimacy, authority, and effectiveness of environmental sustainability must come from transnational policy regimes. Supply chains are global from start to finish. As such, the problems associated within the supply chain stem across many different political boundaries and jurisdictions. Only a transnational policy regime, whether it be an existing organization like the United Nations or a new entity, can effectively fulfill the burden of fixing the global supply chain. Over seventy percent of all emissions come from the supply chain (Suh). Environmental sustainability is something many groups are working towards—like the Carbon Disclosure Project-- but, because environmental sustainability lacks legitimacy, authority or effectiveness, these ventures aren’t treated like corporate projects, but rather, pet projects. Likewise, Timothy Smith’s Climate Change: Corporate Sustainability in the Supply Chain, takes into account the expensive nature of enforcement, “Conducting audits is expensive, but the risks of poor

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