
BHP Billiton: The Largest Social Issues In Global Society

Decent Essays

The majority of people in today’s global society have a false sense of security in believing that the effects of climate change will not take place until the very distant future, and are to dire to bear engaging. Environmental protection is currently one of the largest social issues facing different groups within society including; governments, special interest groups, everyday citizens and global organisations. The actions of organisations with regards to environmental sustainability are becoming a larger factor in business operations. Today’s more informed society expects businesses to perform out of the traditional economic measure of profit motive and adjust to society’s efforts to achieve modern sustainability goals. BHP Billiton (BHP) is the largest and leading global resources company, being the world’s largest producers of major commodities including; coal, copper, iron ore, nickel and uranium. BHP’s annual revenue for 2014 can be rounded off to $607,206million US Dollars and currently hires 128,800 employees and contractors over 141 locations. These figures not only represent how large BHP is, but they highlight the importance of BHP’s contribution to help achieve …show more content…

The damage likely to occur will depend on what type of mining procedure is used, what substance is being mined and the environmental sustainability procedures in place. For the purpose of this part of the essay I will focus on the negative environmental effects of BHP’s OK Tedi copper mine in PNG. The Ok Tedi mine resulted in 900 million tons of toxic waste in the form of tailings to be dumped into the river over a decade. As a result the mine had acute and chronic long lasting effects on the geography, water, vegetation, biological life, farmable areas and village people’s way of life near the Ok Tedi

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