
Analysis Of Tom Hanks's Speech In Philadelphia

Decent Essays

On March 21, 1994, Tom Hanks received the award for best actor at the 66th Academy Awards for his performance as Andrew Beckett in Jonathan Demme’s 1993 film Philadelphia. The acceptance speech that Hanks’s delivered was an emotionally charged classic that touched upon various aspects of his life, such as the importance of the role that he played in the film, the impact of two individuals from his past, and his overall faith in god. At this moment of time, Hanks used his acceptance speech at The Oscars as a social platform in an effort to increase awareness and compassion towards the victims of the AIDS/HIV epidemic in the United States. Overall, Tom Hanks’s Academy Award acceptance speech for his role in Philadelphia is a powerful and effective speech because of how he uses imagery and firsthand experience from his past to effectively create an emotional appeal to his audience about the then AIDS/HIV epidemic that was taking the country by storm.
In the film Philadelphia, Tom Hanks plays the role of Andrew Beckett who is a homosexual man who was wrongly fired from his job because of his HIV positive diagnosis. During the duration of the film, Beckett’s health starts to fade as his condition gradually worsens from HIV to full blown AIDS in a heartbreaking process that gives the audience a visual of just how punishing this disease is (Demme, 1993). Hanks himself mentions the overall importance of this role in his speech during which he states “And there lies my dilemma here

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