
Analysis Of Toxophilus By Roger Ascham

Decent Essays

Upon a reader’s first encounter with the excerpt from Toxophilus by Roger Ascham, they may feel perplexed towards the piece and its meaning. Due to the vast number of years between the period when the piece was written and now, the reader must not view the essay at face value and instead delve deeper into the piece to acquire its true meaning. While the writer may at first believe the essay is just Ascham’s experience with the wind, it actually offers advice to his fellow archers on the importance of the wind. In the excerpt included in the textbook, Ascham writes of an experience he had viewing the wind after a great snowfall. Despite in the first sentence claiming “it is unpossible” to see the wind, watching it interact with the snow …show more content…

Through the use of these unfamiliar words and sentence structures, Ascham’s writing reflects the time period in which he wrote it. Based on the feelings expressed in the passage, Ascham appears in awe of how the snow moves. He writes, “I had a great delight and pleasure to mark it, which maketh me now far better to remember it” (48), before going on to describe to movement of the wind. As he concludes the piece, he also mentions how marveled at the wind, showing he felt inspired and in awe after watching the wind. After expressing his awe of the wind, Ascham goes on to describe the ways the wind moves, connecting the four major ways the wind exists. In the first way he describes, the wind “would not be past two yards broad, and so it would carry the snow as far as I could see” (48). Despite the wind being small in size, it managed to carry the snow a long distance, showing its strength. The next description shows the wind’s change in size, saying that it could blow across an entire field in one go. Connected by size, these descriptions show that no matter the size of the wind, it can be equivalent in strength. Then, another description goes on to discuss the movement of the wind, and how its speed varies. Once again, this connects to the idea that size does not matter with the wind, and can blow as strongly or as gently as nature demands. Finally, the last description discusses

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