
Analysis Of Vertus Hardiman 's ' The Head : A Life Revealed '

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It is rather unusual to read or watch documentaries detailing atrocities against mankind and come away with hope and faith. The compelling and heartfelt story of Vertus Hardiman “A hole in the head” has inspired and received praise from professional groups across the country. “Hole in the head: A life revealed” is a heartfelt story which encompass injustice and forgiveness, reflecting the unbelievable strength of an individual who endured severe tragedy through the power of faith and personal philosophy. Watching this documentary raise important ethnical issues which by the way, isn’t the idea or theme of this paper. The story of Vertus Hardiman represents another chronicle of injustice carried out on the African-American community in the US. I am currently studying Pharmacology which involves mechanism for drug action and lots of clinical trials before new drugs are place on the market, after watching the documentary I couldn’t help but to think about the notion that African Americans or other diverse populations are less willing to participate in medical research. Having learnt about stories of horrifying experiences with clinical trials such as in the cause of Vertus Hardiman , Lyles Station radiation experiments, and the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in African American male, common knowledge would dictate mistrust as a source for reluctance to get involved with Clinical trials.
However current data available doesn’t support the notion of African Americans being

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