
Analysis Of Waiting For Godot

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Originally performed in 1953, in French, Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot took the stage at the Soulpepper Theatre in Toronto. The play tells the story of Vladimir and Estragon, two men who wait for Godot, someone or something they had not met to saw. The Soulpepper production illustrates the journey that played with Vladimir and Estragon’s mind and emotions, in regard to the interactions with their surroundings and themselves. The main focus of the production directs the audience’s attention towards an enclosed setting that limit the actions originally sought in the play. The production, however, focused more on Vladimir and Estragon’s relationship that the play does not capture the same effect; thus, the production is an interpretation of the play. From the play to the stage, Waiting for Godot illustrates how an enclosed setting represents Vladimir and Estragon’s mind and knowledge. The production revolved how the set illustrated character’s interaction with one another. The structure of the stage appeared to look like an alley way with concrete styled wall and a tree placed in the center; the setting which occurred in a rectangular box. Therefore, Vladimir and Estragon performed in an enclosed space; thus, represented their mind. Originally, the play takes place in a country road and Estragon sits on a mound, but the production Estragon sat on a concrete brick. The difference in the setting showed how the performance portrayed the setting as an enclosed mind with

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