
Analysis Of Wood & Thompson ( 1980 )

Decent Essays

Wood & Thompson (1980) presented some guidelines for improved staff development by identifying important factors pertinent to adult learning. They advocated moving away from the traditional evaluation models that identify weaknesses in personnel and using prescribed in-service sessions instead as the way to eliminate the weaknesses. Their alternative approach is one of job-related training that provides for choice and alternatives, training that results in practice of skills, and opportunities for peers to generate mutual feedback. This peer interaction component also reduces the threat of external judgement from an evaluator in a position of authority. Merriem & Bierema (2014) summarized Wlodkowski’s contexts affecting adult motivation …show more content…

More money spent on providing professional development for staff in the form of mentoring and professional learning groups has had greater positive effects on student learning, and he advised schools administrators to look beyond the mechanics of teaching to a focus on improved learning, including professional learning. The importance of providing these professional development opportunities is echoed by Schleicher (2011) who acknowledged the limitations of pre-service training for teachers in preparing professionals for career long challenges. Increasingly diverse learning needs in increasingly heterogeneous classrooms cause teachers to feel unequipped to deal with student needs and as a result, they report “the greatest need for professional development that helps them deal with differences in learning styles and backgrounds” (p. 208). One of the strongest predictors of success for all students is identified by Schleicher (2011) and Hattie (2012) as being positive teacher - student relationships which are improved when teachers are given opportunities to “exchange ideas and information and coordinate their practices with other teachers” (Schleicher, p. 216). These opportunities also provide a shared sense of purpose that is also making a difference for the students in their classrooms. This shared sense of purpose and the accompanying common understanding of what success and progression looks like is identified by Hattie (2012) as being the “most

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