
Energy Drinks Promise Edge, But Experts Say Proof Is Scant '

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After reading the passage “Energy Drinks Promise Edge, But Experts Say Proof is Scant,” I have found that the author did support his claim in the title. The author explored many different points of view and facts to support the idea that energy drinks effects are miniscial. There are many ways that the author was able to provide enough support of his opinion by proving the cost and ingredient difference, giving information on both sides, and giving specific studies on the matter. After mentioning these topics and studies, it was obvious to assume that energy drinks don’t have the energy raising affects they are thought to have. The first way that the author was able to prove the minimal effects of energy drinks was through proving the cost difference. With comparing costs you also have to look at the ingredients they put in to give the kick of energy. The energy drink companies say that their products aren’t ‘caffeine-fueled concoctions’ but they are have something extra that coffee doesn’t have. This is quite the opposite though, because after looking at these energy drinks have about only one ingredient that helps with giving more energy, and that is caffeine. As said in the passage, “A 16-ounce energy drink that sells for $2.99 a can contains the same amount of caffeine as a tablet of NoDoz that costs 30 cents.” This proves that not only are the effects of theses drinks less than you think, but they are also overpriced for the amount of caffeine they give you. Coffee

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