
Analysis : Patriot Financial Services Insider Threat Customer Data Breach

Decent Essays

Darryn Sydnor 22-Oct-2015 Analysis: Patriot Financial Services Insider Threat Customer Data Breach

Section 1: Overview of the data breach
On September 8, 2015, it was discovered that a Patriot Financial Services (PFS) employee, whom provided customer support services to clients, had stolen personal financial data from approximately 50K of their customers. The data stolen by this employee was comprised of personal customer information including full names, home addresses, social security numbers, contact numbers, bank account numbers, driver 's license numbers, birth dates, email addresses, mother 's maiden names, pin’s and account balances. The suspect employee then proceeded to leak out this …show more content…

It was determine that the breach was initiated via malware software that had been discovered on the database server. This malware allowed you to access the MySQL database directly by bypassing security controls. With access to a privilege account (i.e. in this incident they used the service account), they were now able to interact directly with the database to download data directly from the tables. It was extremely difficult to capture the malware on the database system as it was running under a legitimate file name. The employee used the service account during working hours from his fixed workstation in the call center to capture the personal data, and then proceeded to download it to a USB local drive for easily removing from the facility. This once trusted technical employee had taken unfair advantage of privileges since he knew it would grant him read-only access to sensitive company data to commit this crime.
After executing a search warrant of the suspect’s home and computer equipment, it was discovered that the suspect indeed was the culprit that had committed this data breach. It was discovered that the suspect had a gambling addiction, which is believed to be the reason why he was selling this personal information to third parties for financial gain.
The gambling addicted employee was able to install malware on the system via a service account that had been manipulated. The service account was created and authorized for only

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