
Analysis: The Boy Scouts Of America

Decent Essays

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is a well-known youth organization incorporated over one hundred years ago. My impression of the BSA is an organization whose members include courteous and capable young men going camping, building things, and volunteering for various community service projects. According to “”, the BSA’s official website, part of the scout oath is “…to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” “Morally straight,” of course, includes being of good character and the BSA uses that very terminology in their oath. Still, it is ironic that the BSA has a long history of denying homosexuals the opportunity to join since its inception. Prior to 2014, the “Membership Standards Resolution” on the BSA website, stated “…we do not grant membership to individuals who are open or avowed homosexuals or who engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the BSA.” Discriminating against anyone …show more content…

The article, “Can a Scout be Gay?” discusses the BSA’s Supreme Court fight to uphold their position on forbidding homosexuals from joining their organization as Scout leaders. The article states that “The Boy Scouts contend that hiring openly gay leaders would interfere with the Scouts' First Amendment right to express the view that homosexuality is wrong and would violate their First Amendment freedom…” This protection under the first amendment would be freedom of association; however, there is an exclusion, the presence of a homosexual member would have to be deemed as exerting an adverse effect on the troop’s ability to advocate their beliefs. If the BSA’s primary goal is to prepare young men to become upstanding citizens and leaders, sexual orientation should in no way deter the BSA’s ability to advocate those

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