
Analysis of Music´s Deadly Influence by CWA (Concerned Women for America)

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The CWA (or Concerned Women for America) released an article named "Music's Deadly Influence" in August 3, 1999. The article was released when the music industry would be at a peak in its involvement within society. The TV had channels for music, CD players and various walkmans were top selling, and music could be acquired anywhere including the internet. The intention of this article was to serve as a general warning to parents and various other authority figures about the music industry and its effect on youth. The article was released under the CWA, which is an organization founded on "action and prayer" by Beverly LaHaye, and possesses a reputation in primarily right-wing views in the news and in political issues . This article fails …show more content…

values" are used to extend "the problem" according to cultural critic Stan Cohen . This creates the false fear that the article creates. Other deterrents such as the title of the article are present, "Music's Deadly influence", this creates a negative and fearsome light for the issue before the consumer has even read it. The issue does not halt at music according to the article, which makes the article broaden its scope. It implicates the media in a very negative connotation, stating that "visual media" is in the mix of this "deadly influence", and creates a "cause-and-effect relationship between media violence and real-life violence" . This factor contributes to the encompassing nature that the article brings to the "problem" in the CWA's article. Throughout the article there are the previously mentioned highlights of the document, and the highlights include assumptions made about the connection of youth to violence, and the connections disregarded in order to strengthen their claims. Some of the points include a fact from a Dr. Joseph Steussy, who is a credited professor of music history, who "confirm[ed] that music affects behavior, psychologically and physiologically" . This is a general statement, which is a fact, but misused in its context and certain other factors are overlooked. Music is a type of stimulus, which does affect youth. However comparing music and

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