The CWA (or Concerned Women for America) released an article named "Music's Deadly Influence" in August 3, 1999. The article was released when the music industry would be at a peak in its involvement within society. The TV had channels for music, CD players and various walkmans were top selling, and music could be acquired anywhere including the internet. The intention of this article was to serve as a general warning to parents and various other authority figures about the music industry and its effect on youth. The article was released under the CWA, which is an organization founded on "action and prayer" by Beverly LaHaye, and possesses a reputation in primarily right-wing views in the news and in political issues . This article fails …show more content…
values" are used to extend "the problem" according to cultural critic Stan Cohen . This creates the false fear that the article creates. Other deterrents such as the title of the article are present, "Music's Deadly influence", this creates a negative and fearsome light for the issue before the consumer has even read it. The issue does not halt at music according to the article, which makes the article broaden its scope. It implicates the media in a very negative connotation, stating that "visual media" is in the mix of this "deadly influence", and creates a "cause-and-effect relationship between media violence and real-life violence" . This factor contributes to the encompassing nature that the article brings to the "problem" in the CWA's article. Throughout the article there are the previously mentioned highlights of the document, and the highlights include assumptions made about the connection of youth to violence, and the connections disregarded in order to strengthen their claims. Some of the points include a fact from a Dr. Joseph Steussy, who is a credited professor of music history, who "confirm[ed] that music affects behavior, psychologically and physiologically" . This is a general statement, which is a fact, but misused in its context and certain other factors are overlooked. Music is a type of stimulus, which does affect youth. However comparing music and
It was led to believe that affluent white teenagers were listening to this music that causes them to become defiant, disrespectful to authority and menace to society. Rock and roll is a mixture of a combined of different sounds of African-American musical harmony and upbeat background. It was a new blend of music emerging from 1948- 1951 because of the young generations needed to express their own identity. I, concur with Judge Hilda Schwartz “rock n roll did not cause riots or juvenile delinquency (Altschuler, p. 5, 2003)”; teenagers riot and juvenile delinquency exist long before this new music
In her article “It’s Easy, but Wrong, to Blame the Music” Rosen writes from parent’s perspective but keeps teenagers and children in mind. She argues that Gansta rap music just reflect the violence, but do not create it. Just because an artist sings about violence, it does not mean that he or she encouraging listeners to perform it. Her key purpose is to make people aware of music instead of making people dislike music because of its bad content of lyrics. She present music as an opportunity for parents to understand their children well through the type of music they listen. She deny the complete censorship of music, because she understand that censorship of music does not prepare children for the real world. This article is interesting and
Great music can sometimes can turn just an ordinary day into something magical, spiritual even. The effects music has on the human mind, can spread further; right through our genetic code and throughout our bodies. With all the good that can come with music, negative effects are not too far behind. Music has been the center focal point for parents and politicians alike to use it as a scapegoat to help push their political and parent agenda. To help mold children and adolescents into something they were never meant to be.
Since the beginning of time, there has been violence. However, recently society has been putting the blame on media such as movies, television, literature, video-games and music. This blame placing became very relevant in 1985 when Parents Music Resource Center was founded as a way to ban, restrict or censor media that was found to not only be inappropriate, but was also apparently the cause of violence in America’s youth. While some still agree that media is the sole reason behind the increase in drug usage, suicide and murder, that is not the case.
Yet with all the wonderful things that music can do for human beings, could it possibly be responsible for them committing suicide, or murder? In this paper I am going to explore the chaos that occurred in the 80’s and 90’s when heavy metal music faced accusations that the music and lyrical content was driving adolescent and young adults to commit suicide and murder. I will argue that it is not the music or the lyrics that result in such violent behaviors; rather, individuals with underlying psychological issues such as depression, or anger disorders tend to be more attracted to heavy metal music.
Music is important to everybody, we all have that one song that makes us happy or sad just from listening to one line in the song, but what if the song made you violent. Lyrics in music could be the reason for violent tendencies in people’s behavior. There have been studies shown that lyrics in some music promote violence and crimes started because of musical influence. Through all genres of music, if closely inspected, the lyrics show a hint of violence.
Like many musical genre before rap, some people believe that rap music influenced teenagers in a negative way that could lead to violence. Some criminals have blamed movies, books, and music as inspiration for their crimes. However, one cannot solely rely on these sources as the main reason for any act whether good or bad. “Millions of heavy metal and gangsta rap fans spend hours with their chosen music genres and never threaten others or themselves. Moreover, most researchers concerned with the causes of suicide and violence point to a broad array of risk factors unrelated to popular culture (e.g., depression, access to guns, substance abuse, etc.) that seem to be precursors of such
Music has played a vital role in human culture and evidence based on archaeological sites can date it back to prehistoric times. It can be traced through almost all civilizations in one form or another. As time has progressed so has the music and the influences it has on people. Music is an important part of popular culture throughout the world, but it is especially popular in the United States. The music industry here is, and has been, a multi-million dollar business that continues to play an important role in American popular culture. This is also a art form and business that is forever changing as the times and more importantly, technology changes. Technology has changed the way music is made as well as how it is produced,
Most popular music today is driven by violence and sex. These musicians put out albums that glorify violence and promote causal sex. When the albums are being produced, the artist does not think of how it will affect the perspective merchant. When
Art has undoubtedly become a decisive aspect of our culture; embedded in the way we learn and grow on a daily basis. Art forms such as music, television and dance dominate our society as an outlet of freedom of speech for humanity. The evolution of music has rapidly exceeded its original classifications, developing new genres with greater appeal to an audience, hence its influence on society has expedited. In recent times, lyrics (specifically rap lyrics) have been introduced into the court room as a form of documented confessional evidence, evidently challenging law’s authoritative nature. This essay will closely follow the genre of rap and its relationship with law, through cases based in the United States of America (USA). In addition, the trial of Simon Bikindi in Rwanda and Smith v The Queen will be used to form an acute analysis on the influencing factors of relevance, identity, freedom of speech and current constitutional law.
The relationship between music and society is an exceptionally powerful and crucial one. In some cases, this relationship is viewed as one that is harmonious and beneficial to large communities of people. However, that exact relationship could also be scrutinized as one that is extremely discordant to other communities. Green Day happens to fall precisely in the middle of that musical spectrum, depending on who is asked. Regardless of opinion, songs are much more than just music and are essentially retained as pieces of history. These songs help showcase the trends, behaviors, and even struggles of different time periods. With that being said, one may ask “What all did the musical group Green Day contribute to society?”.
The children of today are surrounded by technology and entertainment that is full of violence. It is estimated that the average child watches from three to five hours of television a day! Listening to music is also a time consuming pastime among children. With all of that exposure, one might pose the question, "How can seeing so much violence on television and video games and hearing about violence in in music affect a child's behavior?" Obviously these media have a big influence on childrens' behavior: we can see it in the way they attempt to emulate their favorite rock stars by dressing in a similar style and the way children play games, imitating their favorite cartoon personalities or super
In the book Critique of Violence ,author Walter describes Violence as "The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, male development, or deprivation .The violence that is portrayed in the media has been debated for decades ,and it has rose a question about how does it influence the youth?. From movies to video games society has been accustom to seeing violence in their everyday entertainment. Since children are easy to be influence by their environment, it is safe to say that violence in the media can and will contribute to violent behavior.
With violent lyrics in music, video games with violent themes, hyper-violent horror and action movies and more, entertainment media has been under the microscope as a primary factor in causing violent behavior in youths for years. Ever since the Columbine shootings in 1999 and the subsequent blame being placed on the video game DOOM and heavy metal artist Marilyn Manson, the news media delights in finding new violent entertainment to link to youth violence, especially if a massacre is involved.
Media takes all forms of shapes, from video games to music it influences people daily because we are always surrounded by it. Music especially impacts individuals because in a lot of ways it can say what we want to say in times when we as individuals cannot say it. In those times we lean on music to help us understand the hardship we are going through, or as a mechanism to face our feelings or to block them out. Interpersonal violence which is defined as an individual using power over another in the form of violence whether that be emotional, physical, or sexual. With the many forms of interpersonal violence it’s apparent that it has been expressed in the form of music for quite a while, and sometimes not always in a preventative way. By