
Essay about Analysis of Theodore Dalrymple´s What We Have to Lose

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Theodore Dalrymple is an English writer and retired prison doctor and psychiatrist. Daniel in his writings has frequently argued that the liberal and progressive views prevalent within Western intellectual circles minimize the responsibility of individuals for their own actions and undermine mores which are traditional, contributing to the formation within rich countries of an underclass which is afflicted by violence, sexually transmitted diseases, criminality, welfare dependency and drug abuse. His writings are generally based on his experience of working with criminals and the mentally ill. Dalrymple has been at various occasions been accused of being a pessimist and a misanthrope, but his persistent conservative philosophy has which is …show more content…

The quiet heroism of those concerts and recitals were a potent symbol of the human achievement emanated from the fact that Myra was a Jewish and played music from the same land as the enemy’s leader who represented barbarism. No one questioned those concerts and its relevance when the world was ablaze but they understood the defiant gesture of humanity and culture in the face of unprecedented brutality, and provide a subtle noble message. The story of Dalrymple’s horrified discovery, in Liberia’s Centennial Hall where he describes about a never seen before rejection of human refinement, wherein the piano not only represented the Liberia’s culture but also an idea of civilization, in itself an obvious coarseness of the gesture of contempt. The reaction of two young British journalists, to whom there was nothing significant in the vandalizing of the piano—only an inanimate object. There was no compassion for the scores of thousands of people who had been killed and many more had been displaced from their homes in the civil wars .He was appalled to see that the two could see no connection between the impulse to destroy the piano and the impulse to kill and no connection between respect for human life and for the finer productions of human labor, no connection between the book burnings in Nazi Germany and all the subsequent barbarities of that regime. This pair of seemingly trivial incidents reveals with an odd poignancy, or

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