
Analysis of Why We Crave Horror Movies by Stephen King Essay

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Not only is Stephen King’s essay, “Why We Crave Horror Movies”, a biased sample, but it also appeals to population and emotion. To further explain why we crave horror movies, King argues that “we are all mentally ill” (345). He expresses that we all make an independent decision to buy a movie ticket and sit in a theatre. King goes on the to explain our mental insanity through examples, such as, “sick jokes” (347). According to King, these “sick jokes” prove our insanity and our need to release that insanity through watching horror films.

Although King does offer valid points and relative evidence that support his arguments, the points only pertain to a certain portion of the population. What about the people who don’t …show more content…

It’s almost as if King tampers and negotiates with what one may feel when, or after, viewing a horror film. While this may work in the persuasion of someone who does engage in horror films, again it leaves out those who don’t. Simultaneous to appealing to everyone’s emotions, King remains to appeal to population. Although horror movies are popular, the issue with appealing to the population by popularity is that he automatically forgets about the people who do not watch horror films.

Stephen King, being the famous director that he is, has a strong voice when it comes to the topic of horror movies. Of course he can write on the hunger for horror films, he helps create them, therefore, credibility isn’t something that a reader would question. Thus, his notions of why we like the entertainment of horror movies are biased.
King creates the ideas behind many horror films and books, he’s liable to support the ideas of watching them, whatever the reason may be. His thoughts are subject to his opinion and to others that agree with him, but not necessarily everyone. If a person who does not particularly care for horror movies is asked why people like horror films so much, it is likely that the answer would be completely different. Because his conclusions are biased, they are also generalized. For example, when he uses words like: we, all, us, etc., these words are speaking generally about people

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