
Essay on Analysis of the Film Plant Money T-Shirt Project

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In 2000 the giant pool of money contained $36 trillion and has since doubled in size as of 2008 (Blumberg 2008). Its most recent profit increase is a result of developing countries and cities such as India, Abu Dhabi, and China making money from manufacturing garments and textiles. This financial gain was due to the Multi-fibre Arrangement (MFA) deal that limited the amount of allowance a developing country could export to a developed country expiring on January 1, 2005 (Dicken, 2011). The purpose of this accord was to protect exploited workers in developing nations while maintaining the capitalistic economy of developed countries. Capitalism is thought as a commodity- exchange system. A commodity is simply something useful that enters …show more content…

As mentioned above capitalism is a process through which wealth is generated concentrating on it’s creation, distribution, structure and economic relationships. Spatial divisions of labor arise where particular types of economic activity are concentrated in specific geographical locations. America’s number one cash crop is cotton. They are also the world’s largest producer of cotton for over centuries. Since the 1950’s, cotton has tripled its yield due to genetically modifying seeds. In 2013 the farm shown in the video will produce 13,000 bales of hay which is equivalent to 9.4 million T-shirts (Blumberg, 2013). In order for a capitalistic society to survive and maintain uneven development it is imperative to have international divisions of labor (Coe, Kelly, and Yeung, 42). Jasmine, a shirt maker in Bangladesh, creating the men’s shirt for Project Money generates an income of about $80 a month. Due to extreme poverty in her village resulting from family debt and hunger, Jasmine is one of 4 million workers in the Bangladesh garment industry. In contrast workers in Columbia are being paid almost four times the amount a month for producing the same shirt. Although both workers have the same job, their respective countries’ uneven economic development is a result of capitalism. This unbalanced economic system is due to the low labor costs dictated by the individual

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