
Essay about Analysis of “the Tyger” and “the Lamb”

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In “The Tyger,” William Blake explains that there is more that meets the eye when one examines the Creator and his creation, the tiger. The character is never defined. All throughout the poem the character questions the Creator of the tiger to determine if the Creator is demonic or godlike. The poem reflects mainly the character’s reaction to the tiger, rather than the tiger ‘s reaction to the world. The character is inquiring about the location of the Creator of the tiger when he says, “ In what distant deeps or skies” (5). In this quote the character is trying to figure out where exactly the Creator is located. He wants to know if he’s in Heaven or Hell. The words “deeps” and “skies” could have many meanings. The description of “deeps” …show more content…

On one hand this is a reference to the God of the Bible; but on the other, it could be a reference to Blake himself. Surely, the poem is as inspiring as it is ambiguous.” Someone that is of no religion would think other wise or maybe someone wouldn’t care who made the tiger.
Blake uses symbols to express the strength of the tiger and its Creator. The main symbol in “The Tyger” is the tiger itself. The tiger is formed on a number of ideas, which is the eye of man and God, but it is also a sign of the very same eye, which created it. The word “fire” is used to exemplify the aggressive character of the tiger, “Burnt the fire of thine eyes?”(6). The fire can be used to describe the way the tiger sees and is seen by other people. When a person sees or comes into contact with a tiger, the person gets tense right away because we know that one false move and the tiger may attack. This example shows how vicious and hostile the tiger can be just as a hurricane. The Creator could also be described as a hostile person also. This might be a depiction of himself. The sign of fire is leading in the structure of the poem. To know the foundation of the ‘fire’ is to know the source of the Creator. He relates the tiger’s environment to one during the Industrial Revolution when he says, “What the hammer? What the chain? / In what furnace was thy brain?” (13-14). This tells

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