
Analysis on McNabs Island Essay

Decent Essays

McNabs Island is located at the mouth of the Halifax Harbor, and its size is approximately 395 hectares. On McNabs Island, the highest elevation is 45 meters. The elevation of this island rises toward the middle so that the elevation of central land is higher than the edge. Moreover, the proportion of its flat areas is approximately 20%, which mostly occurs at hilltops and coastal beaches. The proportion of gentle and moderate slopes are around 25%, and most of them occur in the middle area of the island; the proportion of the steep slopes is about 30% which are located near and at the coasts. Furthermore, from the slope and elevation map which we did before, we can tell that the shoreline has a lower elevation with steep slopes or flat …show more content…

On the opposite, if there is a flat or gentle ground, and some kinds of vegetation covering, the volume and speed of overland flow will decrease. For the coastal environment and processes of the island, the low energy waves create flat beaches because waves’ sediments are pushed by the wind toward the coastline. On the opposite, the high energy waves create coastal cliffs from wave erosion, and when coastal cliffs are formed, waves will break and release a great deal of energy. In addition, the island shorelines vary from cobbled stone to fine sand, and with salt marshes in a few coves such as the one near Maugers Beach. The sandy shores are mostly located at Ives Cove and Wreck Cove. Cobbles shores are mostly located at Hangmans Beach and Finlays. In addition, there are a few rocky shores in the region such as the one which is located at Maugers Beach or McNabs Cove. Furthermore, there are some infrastructures near the coast such as building, wharves and streets. For the solar aspect and micro-climate of McNabs Island, most slopes are facing to the east, west and south, and there only a few north facing slopes. Actually, north slopes always receive less solar energy, and south slopes are much brighter and warmer (Course Lecture, 2013). However, north facing slopes seem to have a moister soil and more vegetation. Even though south facing slopes receive more direct sunlight and snow will melt

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