
Analytical Essay: General Zaroff Wins The Game

Satisfactory Essays

Most importantly, General Zaroff is referred to as God because God decides life and death, and throughout the story, General Zaroff lures people onto his island. Once people are trapped, his hunting “game” determines if one gets to live or die. General Zaroff explains how his game works to Rainsford, “‘It's a game, you see….if my quarry eludes me for three whole days, he wins the game….If I find him "--the general smiled--" he loses,’"(Connell (2). General Zaroff’s game entails strategy between the hunter and the hunted, he will decide if one wins or not, and if one outruns Zaroff for three days he/she wins. If one would choose to not play the crooked game/lose the game s/he would be killed at the hands of Ivan. General Zaroff gives them a

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