
Analytical Essay: The Plot Of A & P

Decent Essays

The Plot of A & P

The story A & P took place in a town grocery store that was located in the center of the town. When discussing a plot, it is important to think about the conflict, the rising and failing action and the resolution. Without these four points it is hard to understand a story or to have a complete story. When it comes to the plot of A &P it is all in regards to three young girls entering the store in nothing but swimming suits, which results in the cashier quitting his job to try and stand up for the girls. However, the girls rushed out of the store not ever noticing the cashier’s actions and the fact that they rushed to get through the store made it seem like they knew they were not right and should have put on more clothes before entering in a public store. …show more content…

The details were very vivid when discussing these young girls. The conflict seems to be these girls entering the store with only their swimsuits on it. This is a problem because you are not supposed to receive service in stores without a shirt or shoes. These young girls had neither of these. They are walking bare foot around the store. It was a very slow day so there were not a lot of people around to notice. I believe that the rising action would be the cashier paying so close attention to the girls and being distracted from his regular duties. The falling action of the story would be when the manager told the girls that they needed to make sure they are covered up the next time they enter the store. The resolution in the cashier’s eyes would be when he decide he was going to quit due to the way that the girls were treated for only wearing swimming

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