
Analyze The Differences Between The Spanish And New English Colonies From 1492 To 1700

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In a time when America was just being colonized by various groups of people ,like New England and The Spanish, there were a large amount of differences and similarities that led to the colonies being founded. In this context, we will be focusing on mostly the differences between the colonies of The Spanish and The New England Colonies. The Spanish and New England colonies from 1492 and 1700 were vastly different from the role of religion, the economic base, to the treatment of the indigenous people. The Spanish and New England colonies from 1492 to 1700 were vastly different in terms of the role of religion in the founding of their colonies. Of course, there were some similarities in the role of religion, like the founders of the colonies wanted to partially convert the Natives into their religion. ON the other hand, there were differences in the role of religion, like the Europeans from New England wanted to escape the Roman Catholic church and make the Anglican Church. Another difference …show more content…

The colonizes did have some similarities like they both made a large amount of profit. This is because The Spanish and The New England Colonies knew how to trade and handle money. The ways The Spanish and The New England Colonies got this money was very different. The Spanish got their money by enforcing the harsh Encomienda system. The encomienda system was a system in which the Spanish would force Native to mine and farm materials and in return, the Native would be forced to convert their religion. The Spanish made a lot of profit off of this because the Natives made a lot of money for the Spanish and the Native didn’t get paid anything. The New England Colonies earned their money by hunting animals, farming tobacco, and trading with the native. This trading with the natives was very successful because the trading maintained good relations with the

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