
British American And Spanish America

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British American and Spanish America were both a result of European exploration. Starting with Spain in the 15th and 16th century, European countries began traveling to America to claim lands and grow their mother country's wealth and power. Spanish people came over to for wealth and economic gain, while the British came for wealth, but also as an escape from persecution. When settled, Spanish America functioned as a decentralized monarchy, with representatives of the Spanish King in each colony. In British America, each group of colonies was governed by one of three systems: Royal, Charter, and Proprietary. Both countries engaged in slavery and the exploitation of natives and Africans to work on plantations and mines to produce goods to send back to the mother country. England did include their colonies in the trans-atlantic trade system, however, Spain restricted trade from their colonies to minimize the power the colonies had. Both of these strategies helped maintain power in the mother countries because England was gaining wealth from its colonies resources, and Spain kept a strong hold on its colonies by keeping them economically weaker. The original cause of English immigration to the New World was for profit from from the lands of America. Soon after however, people left to escape persecution as they headed to the new land of opportunity. English Immigration to America in the 1600s started with the arrival of the colonists at Jamestown. The immigrants were Baptist

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