Index Sr. No. Description Page No. i Introduction 01 ii Current economic scenario 02 iii Research 03 iv Causes of Inflation 04 v How to fix it? 05 vi Alternatives 06 vii Financing Options 07 viii Tools and Methods 08 ix Analysis – Example 09 x Conclusion 10 xi Appendix Project Outline: Analyzing current situation of US economy and comparing it with past years and suggesting ways to improve the current scenario is the objective of this project report. Introduction What do you mean by Economic Analysis? The process of analyzing the strengths & weaknesses of an economy is called as Economic analysis. Probably the most important aspect of any organization, it helps us get a clearer picture of the accurate condition of the economy …show more content…
Also a good way to analyze an economy is by comparing its policies with those of other economies. More applicable to similar types of economies, example developing economies. (Economic Analysis, retrieved on 2015, April 2) Current Economic Scenario The chart above (Perry M, 2013) highlights the most interesting parts of the current state of the US economy: 1. Comparing the 3rd quarter of 2013 to the 4th quarter of 2007 (When the great recession hit the nation), we can observe that the real GDP has definitively recovered by 5.6% represented by the blue line. (Perry M, 2013) 2. Analogous to the former scenario, the US economy was able to achieve a complete recovery from the Great Recession in terms of real GDP, and is now producing $843 billion more output than in Q4 2007, the new record level of economic output in the US is being produced with two million fewer workers than in the last quarter of 2007 (see red line in chart). (Perry M, 2013) 3. Concluding from the above two points, corporate profits are at acme and greater than 40% more over the pre-recession peaks. (Perry M, 2013) 4. Although it has recovered from the economic crisis in the monetary sense, U.S. is still under the state of employment recovery, which is a potential issue. (Perry M, 2013) Research Predictions for next 10 years: Based on the above research predicted above (CBO, Budget 2014) for the upcoming 10 years
From the economic review for January 2012 has a graph that shows the output of the three major economic sectors: manufacturing, construction and services. The graph shows the recession in 2008 to 2011 and how it recovers.
1. Analyze the current economic situation in the U.S. as compared to five (5) years ago. Include interest rates, inflation, and unemployment in your analysis.
Although the trough beginning at the end of 2008 through 2009 proved to be a financial crisis; the nation’s economy’s solid performance during this time lead to a strong and early recovery, which contributed to the peak of the 2010 economic growth rate of 7.5% in real gross domestic product (U.S. Dept. of State, 2011).
Although business leaders may not have a crystal ball to help them plan for the future, they do have access to a wide range of Federal Reserve publications that can help identify recent and current trends and what these economists believe will take place in the coming months. Given the lingering effects of the Great Recession of 2008 on the American economy today, identifying the future economic outlook for America using this type of freely available information therefore represents a timely and valuable enterprise. To this end, this paper provides a review of relevant publications to identify the Federal Reserve's current assessment of economic activity and financial markets, its current view about inflation and various monetary tools that have been used to stabilize the economic and prices in recent years. Finally, an analysis of the economic outlook for the next 12- to 18-month period is followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion.
Everybody in the United Stated was affected by the recession that began in December of 2007 and spanned all the way to June 2009. Even though the recession is over, many people are still being affected by it and have still not been able to recover from the great recession. “The recent recession features the largest decline in output, consumption, and investment, and the largest increase in unemployment, of any post-war recession”. Many people lost their jobs due to the recession and some of them are still having a hard time finding jobs and getting back on their feet. Businesses
The assignment was to compare the United State’s current economy to another different country. For this assignment, I chose Philippines to compare with United States because I want to know more about its economy and how it differ and similar to United State’s economy. I placed all the informations I acquired into a large poster, separating the United States and Philippines’ economy. I selected this assignment because I learned a lot about the United States and Philippines’ current economy and their labor market. Through this assignment, I learned how they are almost similar in terms of their economic and political system, the types of growing careers in their economic sector, the types of goods and services produced, their major industries,
Is the United States economy doing well since the Great Recession? It is, according to economic data. I base my argument on the answers to three states concerning the health of the macroeconomy. The first goal is that of full employment. Full employment is a state in the economy where virtually all who are willing and able to work are employed. The second goal focuses on economic growth, or the growth of our GDP. This is the value of all finished goods and services produced in the United States in a given time period. Good economic growth can be measured by the rate of growth of the GDP. The third goal seeks price stability. Is the value of the dollar inflating, deflating, or staying constant? If the answers to these questions are positive, then it can be stated that our economy is in good shape.
The Great Recession that began in 2007 introduced people to a feeling not since felt since the Great Depression of the 30’s and 40’s. It reintroduced a new generation to the realization that we cannot take anything for granted. It sprung up fears in a fearless population, and out of it born a stress like no other. We can harness that stress; we own it as individuals, employees, as employers, as caretakers of the future.
The Great Recession, December 2007 through June2009 marks an unstable 18 months for the United States’ economy, that countless amounts of people won’t forget. The housing and bank markets during the recession were not recouping much money off loans and low interest rates, which cause both markets to nearly crash. This caused many Americans to lose their jobs and the unemployment rates to reach the highest numbers since the Great Depression. But ever since 2009, the economy has been an on slow but steady track up to being what it once was.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released its report for July 2016, and the numbers have some people speculating that a real recovery may be at hand. Wages have been rising consistently for the past few months; the average hourly wage for July was $25.69. The unemployment rate was 4.9 percent for July, which was the same as June but 0.2 percent higher than May. Jobs are increasing; the July change was 255,000, which was a bit lower than the 292,000 reported for June but significantly greater than the pitiful 24,000 reported for May. At first glance, it appears that the American economy is showing signs of rebounding at an accelerated rate — but is that assessment accurate?
The U.S. economy, as measured by real GDP growth (i.e., GDP adjusted for inflation) began to recover in mid-2009. However, the pace of growth over the next 3½ years was slow and uneven. From the second half of 2009 and through 2010 real GDP increased at an annualized rate of 2.5%. Compared
Americans have been bombarded by new worries in recent days with the war in Libya, unrest in much of the Middle East, and the seemingly endless series of catastrophes in Japan as reported by a recent Gallup poll measuring economic confidence. Added to that, there is a weak job market, increasing fuel prices, and fierce budget battles in Congress, obviously, it is clear the U.S. economy still faces
In order to obtain a rounded view of the economic environment within the U.S. twelve key economic indicators can be observed. These fall into the categories of leading and lagging indicators. Based on the data of these indicators, a picture of the current and future economic environment can be obtained.
Over the last several years, the United States economy has experienced steady growth. While growth has been slow, it is evident that the American economy is making positive improvements.
The following report will detail out the current state of the U.S. Economy. The report will discuss the following: