
Analyzing Edgar Allen Poe's Annabel Lee

Satisfactory Essays

Between the two poems by Edgar Allen Poem, I chose the poem "Annabel Lee". He described their love like no other, a romantic love tale incomparable to others love. Mr. Poe’s love for Annabel is harmless and selfless, one love that many others desire to have. Love is almighty powerful and true love is hard to find. Edgar Allen Poe described his feelings very poetically, rhyming every line with dark and mysterious phrases, leaving others at the tip of their toes... His tone is dark but inspirational. Beginning and ending "Annabel Lee" is an exquisite and bittersweet poem. His poem ended in such sadness, envied by others of love so great and powerful. His tone is dark but inspirational. Edgar Allen Poe’s poem is read as genuine love, hard to

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