In regards to Levinson's theory submits that women do not have mentors, I beg to differ. As little girls, most of us would watch the manner of our mothers or a close aunt in which we would swear when we grew up we would be just like them. As for myself, I looked up to my mother for her ability to work side by side with my father at American Motors doing a man's job. Not to mention, she also attended night school to obtain her high school diploma. Albeit, the disappointing relationship I experienced with my mother the very fact that she did not have anyone tell her what she should or cannot do along with, the boundaries she was crossing as a woman she moved beyond what the average women were was doing during that time frame, most woman
My mom is the one that I look up to, because she always told me that education opens door. She always tells me and my sister that without education life is going to be tough. Many work don't accept employer that don't have education. My mom say the thing that will make her proud it we graduating . The impact that my mom has done
She was a single mother raising three kids, and gave up a lot for my brothers and me. I remember my mom working two jobs, just to make ends meet. With my dad no longer in the picture, my mom took on both roles. She always worked very hard in order for us kids to have the best upbringing possible. I would give her cards for Mother’s Day and Father’s day, to show her just how much I cared about her. I remember how spontaneous she would be; pulling us out of school early, just to take us to an amusement park. We would drive to the beach and camp in the car. We would stay up late watching movies. Those types of memories are the ones I will cherish forever. She has taught me how to become a woman, teaching me about discipline, manners, and how to be kind to others. I have used her advice many times while raising my own kids and I think I inherited a little bit of her spontaneity. She has been a comforter at times of need and her heart always understood when I needed a friend. I am greatly influenced by my mother and her strength and love has guided me to take the right
I look up to my mother, just as Walt looked up to his father. My mother is intelligent shown through her ability to go to UCSD and also through the fact that she was able to go to China just as it was being opened up to foreigners and live there for multiple years. She is also good at conserving money, as implied when she went to Europe with around two-thousand dollars and managing to stay there for several months as she traveled throughout. Her ability to conserve money sets a good example for me and helps to show me that frugalness is the best way to travel, and to live. So all in all, my mother has set a great example for me, and allowed me to understand the usefulness of being
Without a father in the household, my mother had to wear several different hats at one time. By that, I mean she had to play several different parts as a parent. She was and still is an authoritative parent. My mother was the one to tell us no, to correct us when we were wrong, kiss the boo-boos, teach us respect for ourselves and the ones around us, talk to us when we were upset, the one to hurt our feelings, taught us how to braid, and so much more. It got easier as we
The interviewer’s father’s life can be directly tied into Levinson’s Theory. In the pre-adulthood stage, Levinson focuses on an individual going from complete dependence on a caregiver, to obtaining more independence in the young adult years. In my father’s situation his grandparents were his sole providers until he began making his own decisions. He decided to quit school, moved out on his own and started working, which allowed him to become financially independent. Consequently, my father put some distance between himself and his grandparents in order to step into an adult role. As he rapidly grew from a newborn into a young adult it is no secret that his biopsychosocial system developed even more. As a result, the process of individuation
When I growing up my mother never worked, instead she dedicated her entire life to making sure my sister and I had everything we could ever need. She was the aid in my classes, the chaperone on every field trip and the coach of all my sports teams. As I got older she began to give me more trust but still needed to know where I would be at
Watching my mother live from pay check to pay check when I was young was difficult. It was always hard for my mom to keep up with other parents but, she still somehow managed to get me everything I wanted, and more. Even though I was too young to understand, I could feel the stress, and the struggles my mom faced every day. She was only 20 years old when I was born and, because of that she had no choice but to grow up fast. At such a young age, I saw the effects of being a single parent, and the ways it changed my mom. She not only had to be a young mother but, she had to find a way to replace the void of a father, or a father figure in my life. My mom was strong, independent and courageous. Growing up watching her live her dreams under all the circumstances she faced, made me want to strive for a better life for myself. Seeing how hard is was to live and to have enough
Living through hardships such as an abusive childhood and financial instability has never stopped her. Raising my sister and I by herself, she worked hard to earn two master's degrees and move to a high paying and well-respected profession. She has always been a source of support to me and has served as an example of what hard work and perseverance can achieve even during great hardship. Whether she is cheering me on from the sidelines, or actively helping me with something such as writing a term paper, my mother has always been a source of empowerment and
My mother is the most diligent worker I know and I highly respect her for that. My mom, sister, and I moved across the globe to find better opportunities for jobs and Education. She worked two jobs as a single mother, and was still able to take care of and support my sister and me in anything we aspired to do. Being a mother itself is difficult enough because it is an everyday job with no brakes or vacation. She is the person who inspires me and the person who motivates me to do my best at everything I do. To her, my sister and I’s happiness was worth more to her than her own and for that I truly believe she is the best person in the world.
My mother arrived to America before I did, she left me with my father because my aunt wanted her to focus on working and not on me; I was a year old at the time. My brave mother left my abusive father when I was six, my mother is my motivation. My two brothers, my mother and I survive with each other because no matter who hurts us in the end we always have each other. I grew up with my mother always working as hard as she could, as any first generation single parent family does. What was different for us is how she would take people in. I grew up with a mother that would take acquaintances into our home who had nowhere to go, help them find a job, and she still does to this day. She'd always tell me, "if you can help someone, then do it." My need to help people began with her, but my love of science solidified my goals in life. When I took HOSA in high school, I fell in love with science. Nothing else would ever be
My mother also taught me how to be polite and always love your family members and stay with them when they need you the most especially during their difficult time. However, my mother is the biggest inspiration to me because she did everything alone as a single mother without anyone’s help, I give my mother a salute for giving my brother and me the best care and upbringing. For example, every morning, my mother goes to work after getting us ready, she used to wake up at 5am to make us breakfast and clean the whole house before she left for work at 7am. Therefore, she used to make sure everything was ready on time, that no one was late to get to their work or school or forget things at home. After we all come back from school and work, she used to make us a delicious lunch without complaint even though she used to be so tired. After lunch, everyday my mother used to tutor us for an hour and she would try to find us new methods to make the homework easier for us that way my brother and I can learn faster and understand well what was described in the book. After tutoring, I used to watch my mother cleaning the whole house by
Mothers create the foundation stone on which children can build their careers and grow to become respectable citizens.
My mother is the one that I always look up to. Her personality, her behavior, and her knowledge seem to be perfect. I tried to imitate her actions when I was young, but instead of praise, she would always find more mistakes in my choices. She was not a housewife, and nothing like a housewife when we lived in China. She used to come home very late, never drunk but very tired and stressed out.
Although very close to both of my parents I shared more of a bond with my mother, I admired my mother so much she was such a kind, sweet woman, very soft spoken and gentle. There was no subject that was taboo with my mother, even the subject of discrimination, tyranny, and bias that people hold. She often would talk about
My mom is another extraordinary figure that has demonstrated me what’s the correct way to treat a young lady, be respectful and be responsible at all times. My mom has served in the community as well through back then she used to work in Burger King where she made hamburgers for the people in the community purchasing them. She left a great impacted at Burger King because now the manager told her if she ever needs a place to work again she will be received with opens hand on demonstrating