
Analyzing Mitch's 'Tuesdays With Morrie'

Satisfactory Essays

Tuesdays With Morrie

The version of the story that I connected with most, was the book. I feel like Mitch wrote it in a way where Morrie could connect with me through words. There are so many more detailed things that were explained in the book. I think the book was a bit more impactful after I watched the first interview, because I could visualize Morrie, and hear his voice. It was interesting to hear about Morrie’s past, in detail, and read about how he got to where he is today. Tuesdays With Morrie was a big eye-opener for me in a way that I don’t feel another book has done. Morrie was a very inspirational person through his constant positive attitude, and his aphorisms. Morrie had many many amazing things to say about life in this book about how every moment is so precious. One of the most impactful lines throughout the book for me was when Morrie said, “As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away.” Not many people understand this concept. We are all so wrapped up in our social statuses that we are not focusing on giving or receiving love. In the end, it won’t matter how famous you were, or how many instagram followers you had. But what will matter is how you live on through others, and by the people you touched with your love and compassion. Another line that was impactful was, “You’re not a wave, you’re part of the ocean.” The meaning behind this for me was that we are all small parts of something much larger. This wave was only focused on …show more content…

Everything Morrie has to say about life, love, compassion, etc: was very beneficial to me. I think one reason for this was the fact that I love “quotes”. Morrie had so many breathtaking things to say that made me see life differently, and Mitch made Morrie speak through this book in a way that makes it hard to believe that he is actually

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