
Analyzing Newton's Three Laws Of Motion

Decent Essays

Newton's three laws of motion have helped us get a clear understanding of how and why things happen. These laws are used even today, not only do we as students get an understanding of the world around us but these three laws have helped make discoveries/inventions and helped us with technological improvements.
The video I have chosen is an example on how two of these three laws are put into work in a scenario. The video shows both a boy and a girl. The boy is driving the car while the girl enjoys what seems to be a McFlurry from Mcdonalds. The guy then very abruptly steps on the brake pedal causing the car to come to a quick stop. This also caused the girl to lean forward, hit the spoon and nearly choke. This is followed by the guy laughing …show more content…

Because the girl was unaware of what was going to occur, she was taken off guard. This meant she was not aware of what was about to occur and therefore took no precaution of the situation. When leaned forward, as an effect of the car stopping harshly, the spoon was still near the mouth causing her to gag. The two laws that apply to this situation would be Newton's first and third law of motion. In regards to the first law, it states than an object will stay motionless or in motion in a straight line until a force acts upon it causing it to change. As for the third law, it says that every action has an equal but opposite reaction Both these laws very well are shown in this short video. The car in motion and stopping is a demonstration of Newton's first law of motion. In the video, the car is in motion due to the engine is traveling at approximately the same speed/velocity until the force of the guy pushing the brake causes it to come to a stop. The third law is shown by the effect of him stopping the car. The girl is pushed forward towards the spoon by the sudden change, this caused the spoon to push back on the girl with equal force (in the opposite direction since the girl is moving forward and the spoon back) causing the girl to

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