
Analyzing Richard Blanco's 'One Today'

Decent Essays

Ciara Crawford
English 1301-81501
16 September 2014
At the inauguration of President Obama in 2012, Richard Blanco read his poem “One Today.” This poem did exactly what it needed to do that day, unite the country. The poem talked about the good and unique things about the United States. Blanco also writes about togetherness and realistic side of American life. He shows the audience that individually, we, as Americans, we are a superpower.
Curiously enough, much of Blanco’s poem seems reminiscent of Walt Whitman’s “I Hear America Singing” due to the fact that it talks about the same everyday activities that occur in America. Both poems also use a rhetoric tone. In addition to the tone, they tend to use personification. The style/layout of each poem are very similar to each other. …show more content…

Blanco states, “One sun rose on us today, kindled over our shores,/peeking over the Smokies, greeting the faces/of the Great Lakes, spreading a simple truth/across the Great Plains, then charging across the Rockies (Blanco, lines 1-4). This quote gives a geographical visual of America. As Blanco makes another statement, “My face, your face, millions of faces in morning's mirrors, each one yawning to life, crescendoing into our day” (Blanco, lines 7-8) he uses personification to describe daily American life. Another use of imagery is found in stanza four, “One ground. Our ground, rooting us to every

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