
I Hear America Singing By Walt Whitman

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In Walt Whitman’s poem “I Hear America Singing”, one is exposed to an America seen by the eyes of a poet, essayist and journalist during the years of one of the most important times in American history, the Civil War. From 1819 to 1892, Whitman lived through many experiences, including the atrocities and successions of the Civil War, which not only lead to the establishment of his multiple accredited works, but also, the creation of the prideful, positive, jubilant image of America and its citizens in the poem “I Hear America Singing”. The poem exhibits these qualities through its free verse structure, repetition, and overall choice of words. Using free verse, Whitman demonstrates the kind of freedom the United States had won and continues to fight for, its rhythm not only attributes to this hidden meaning, but also creates a likeable tone for readers to interpret the poem in a non-forceful way; this allows one to read it leisurely. For example, this is shown especially in the last three lines of the poem, which say “Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else, The day what belongs to the day - at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly, Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.” This shows the empowerment of the gradual rise of democracy in citizens of America protesting and fighting for what they own and what they believe in not only as individuals, but also what they own as a nation. These lines exhibit the positive nature by not

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