Thirteen Reasons Why
South University
Shakeyla Boulware
Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why is about a student named Clay Jensen who returns home from school one day to find a mysterious box with his name on it outside his front door. Inside, he discovers a series of cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker- his classmate and crush. Only, she committed suicide two weeks earlier. On the tapes, which get passed along to other students based on Hannah’s instructions. Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she did what she did, and Clay is on one of the tapes. You can’t stop the future. You can’t rewind the past. The only way to learn the secret, is to press play (Charlotte, n.d.).
What is Depression?
Depression is a mood
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Hannah felt like she had no one to turn to during her most vulnerable moments. Hannah encountered being known as the school slut after being lied on by a popular football player and several other students; including a lesbian student. She lost her two best friends. She made a new friend who betrayed her by leaking her most intimate poem in the school newspaper; further confirming her peers’ thoughts that she was a slut. To add insult to injury Hannah was raped by a popular football player, and no one believed her. Which ultimately led to Hannah becoming depressed, and she describes herself as a broken soul. Hannah realizes she needs to attempt to get real help, at least once. Hannah goes to the school guidance counselor and confides in the counselor that she has been raped. The counselor tells Hannah if she does not give up her rapist name, she needs to just “move on”. Hannah immediately left his office and went home and killed …show more content…
Bullying is at an all-time high, as a result of being bullied, many depressed adolescents, and teens have committed suicide as a way to escape. Across all populations, genders, and race at some point in everyone’s life they have been the subject of bullying and or depression. It is obvious that everyone is susceptible to the highs and lows of depression no matter their social status or age.
In this television show, Hannah realized she needed to seek professional help, at least once. She decided to seek help from her guidance counselor, but he was not helpful to her, and very quickly began victim blaming. As counselors, it is pertinent to help clients who are depressed and suicidal as we must be aware of the signs. It is essential not to minimize our client’s feelings and emotions. These issues of bullying, depression, and suicide amongst our youth are too important to be ignored. As a future counselor, I play a unique role in saving our youth, and advocating for those seeking professional help.
About teen suicide. (n.d.). Retrieved from
There are seven tapes and each side of the tape is for a specific person who had a role in helping Hannah commit suicide. The first tape is addressed to Justin Foley who was Hannah’s first kiss. They had a sweet, innocent kiss, however, Justin decided to spread a rumor that much more happened, which lead Hannah to be called a “slut” for the rest of high school year.
To continue, bullying leads to depression and suicide, it affects children's mental faculties, overtime the victim will believe what the offender is telling them. Doctor Andrew Adesman’s team stated that “depression and suicide are much more common in
When hannah first moves to town she is desperate for friends. Once meeting Jessica hannah feels as though she can trust and confide in her. The friendship quickly comes to a halt when a student by the name of Alex releases a “hot list”. Jessica was listed as “worst ass” and Hannah was listed as “best ass”. This makes jessica jealous causing her to slap hannah and accuse her of seducing jessica’s boyfriend Alex.
Hannah’s problem and the problem of the book was Hannah being bullied. Her solution took a long time and she was never really sure until the end of the problems. She never had this thought until an event that triggered her to think this. She just went along with all the bullying and all the rumors spread. She didn’t want to kill herself in a painful way.
After Clay leaves, Hannah hides in the closet and witnesses Jessica being raped by Bryce. Justin knew about the rape and let it happen. The eleventh person on the list is Jenny, a cheerleader who offered Hannah a ride home from the house party. She hit a stop sign while driving and did not tell the police, leading to a car accident, after this one of their classmates left the party and was killed, everyone thought he was drunk, Clay says that he was not.. The twelfth person was Bryce, who had raped Jessica and took advantage of Hannah. The thirteenth was Mr. Porter, the school counselor. Hannah secretly recorded a conversation they had, in which she expressed a desire to kill herself. Overwhelmed, Mr. Porter simply told Hannah that if she was unwilling to press charges against anybody, she should just try to move
In the end, Clay doesn’t have to wonder why Hannah killed herself. She explained the thirteen reasons, rather people, who impacted her life. During the past week, I have been reading Meg Cabot’s All-American Girl, and I have reach page 29. In All-American Girl, Samantha Madison is a controversial girl who just wants to be left alone. Sam and her family live in Washington, D.C. Lucy, her older sister, is a preppy cheerleader who is the most popular girl in school. Rebecca, her little sister, is a certified genius. The pages I have read so far have explained Sam, Rebecca, and Lucy’s relationship. While reading Thirteen Reasons Why, I was visualizing and questioning. After I was done reading Thirteen Reasons Why, I started predicting on the book I’m currently reading, All-American
Thirteen Reasons Why is about a teenage girl, Hannah Baker, who committed suicide. Each chapter of the book is centered on her cassette tapes, which tell the audience every reason she presented as to why she killed herself. These tapes were sent out to the 13 people who Hannah believed had an impact on her decision to kill herself. The book begins when the narrator, Clay Jensen, arrives home from school and sees a box full of tapes on his doorstep. He takes the box inside, opens it, and finds seven audiotapes and thirteen stories.
Asher included the the character, Courtney, to show how significant reputation should be. To illustrate that idea, the author has Hannah describe Courtney as “Pretty girl. Pretty hair. Perfect skin” (93). Another example that portrays Courtney as the “perfect girl” is, “Courtney Crimson. The name sounds almost too perfect” (95). At this point in the story, Hannah is telling Courtney’s side of the tape and explaining that Courtney isn’t as perfect as she wants people to think she is. This evidence highlights that Courtney makes a big mistake showing Hannah who she really is and, “stabbing her in the back”. Courtney’s tape is important to the story because it shows how one little thing can ruin your reputation even if only twelve other people
As we tune into the show, we see a memorial shine tribute to a girl named Hannah Baker who had died weeks earlier. As the story goes on, we follow the main character Clay Jensen, who has trouble with emotions and feelings. He is depressed and has relapses and daydreams of Hannah during school hours. After school, Tony, a friend of Clay, drops him off at his house. There on Clay’s front porch is a brown package. Inside this package lies a box with a map and 13 tapes. As Clay plays one of the tapes on a boom box, he finds out it is Hannah’s suicide note and all the reasons she wanted to end her life. “Listen to everything and pass it on”, Hannah warns, or else a “trusted individual” will make the tapes go public. Of course, that would be bad for everyone. Clay accidentally breaks the device he was first used to listen to the tapes and now needs a device to play the tapes, so he
Jay Asher’s 13 Reasons Why does an extremely well job of going over the themes of loss and guilt, while also adding in a pinch of mystery. This is because when one of the main characters, Clay, comes home from school, he sees a package on his porch. After opening it, he sees it is filled with thirteen different tapes, but what was within them Clay did not know. Upon further inspection, Clay realizes that these tapes were recorded by Hannah Baker, his movie theatre co worker and long time crush. What makes 13 Reasons different from any teenage love story is that Hannah is dead, she commited suicide. However, until the tapes arrived and he listened to them, Clay did not know why.
The impact on one person can turn into a circle of impact, changing everyone's view of life around a person. In Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher the content in the book proves how impactful one person can be. Hannah who reveals her struggles though tapes shows how impactful her story is to clay who struggles with the realization that he is one of the reasons for her death. When Clay find the tapes Hannah starts by warning clay how he will learn things about her that he may not want to know as “ [she] hope[s] [he is] ready, because [she is] about to tell [him] the story of [her] life.” As Clay learns more he becomes conflicted as he wanted to know her, he wanted to help her through what was occurring in her life. Consequently the impact
The story of Courtney Crimson is shown in the fifth tape. She is known as a sweet, mostly well-liked girl, a personality which Hannah explains that she fell for. Following the event with Tyler, Hannah began to feel very excluded by Courtney Crimson, and even when Courtney asked her to come to a party she still felt a little bit of something going on. Courtney left hannah at that party, and later Hannah found out that Courtney had been spreading rumors about the things she’d found in Hannah’s top dresser drawer.
In the series 13 Reasons Why, Hannah commits suicide by slitting both her wrist and then lays in the bathtub to bleed out. The show shows in full detail the cuts she makes in her wrists and the graphic changes her body
Thirteen Reasons Why narrates the story of Clay Jensen, a typical high school student, who unexpectedly receives a strange and mysterious box containing 13 cassette tapes that reveals 13 people, including him, who are said to be the reasons why his classmate, Hannah Baker, committed suicide weeks earlier. The book was written by Jay Asher, an American contemporary writer. The book embodied a simple but unique plot, a realistic and relatable theme, and a writing style that is paradoxically deep but easy to relate.
If a counselor can’t find out what’s wrong with Hannah, how can anyone else? When she leaves the diary, some of the reasons of her death was people. Schwarts believes that it is a major fault of the Netflix show. Phyllis Alongi works to prevent Teen suicide, and she has concerns about this show, also. She thinks it was done very irresponsibly and also didn’t like her blaming other