
Analyzing Social Media Habits And News Preferences Of A Particular Audience

Better Essays

Essential question(s):
● How do students use survey data in an ethical and accurate manner to drive decisions made by the student press?

Supplies needed
● Documents linked in materials sections:
● Grouping strategy
○ Discuss/answer:How do students use the data accurately?
● Students’ survey analysis (two copies)
● Presentation tools
● Paper and writing utensils
● Helpful information for compiling a presentation on creating a survey:
○ Useful pages from text:
■ Pages 74-79 of Student Journalism & Media Literacy

Time of lesson: Approximately 5 days

Paragraph description:
● During this lesson students will utilize survey data to analyze social media habits and news preferences of a particular audience. The survey will help students create a large scale profile for that audience. In addition, teachers may pull from the text listed in the ‘Supplies needed’ section on this document to introduce the fundamentals of survey creation and application. The information in this text also helps to guide students in their analysis of survey data to ensure it is properly interpreted and presented.

Essential question(s):
● In addition to the forms of social media students use on a regular basis, what other tools (i.e. survey data) can be utilized to organize and develop audience outreach and engagement?
● How do students use survey data

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