
Analyzing The Poem 'The Key'

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“The Key”
Black as charcoal,
Dark as the night.
Hold its possession,
Hold its might.
Little did they know,
That during the great fight,
Ares would lose his key,
And it fall into a world’s plight.

~1942~ In the streets of Massachusetts, there be a young woman. Walking home many blocks from a long day of education, she keeps her head down where her view is upon the black shoes on her feet. Stumbling over the cobblestone street, she curses wishing they had made a new road when they finished preparing the others. Slowly getting up, she sees something shining between the thick rocks of the cobblestone. She gently falls back to her knees, to examine the peculiar object. Finding that the eerie object is a key, she mutters to herself, “what …show more content…

She soon felt guilty for not finding the owner, so she set her own personal quest to return the forgotten key.

~2015~ The woman’s quest seized after she fell sick with an unforgiving illness. The family that she had never knew about the key, and so no one could continue her quest. The important people in her life never let her down, and she them. Everyone around Ingrid would always feel loved, because she had so much love to give, despite her own unfortunate predicaments. She died later that year, her soul floating to the heaven in the sky she’s always known. Her great granddaughter, Kate, made her a wooden jewelry box with as much glitter glue as she could at the age of six. As time went on, the small child with eyes as blue as the sea never knew about her great grandmother’s journey. When Kate reached the age of 15, she found again the jewelry box that she had made as a child. Opening the top of the glitter-covered lid, under small items, she found a key. When she observed the key, only then did she realize that there was a note left at the bottom of the cheap wooden box. In a cursive writing, the entire note read:

Black as charcoal,
Dark as the night.
Hold its possession,
Hold its

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