
Ancient Egypt: Anatomy Of A Civilization By Barry Kemp

Decent Essays

1. Explain what makes your source scholarly:
A.The book Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization is written by Barry Kemp, an archeologist and Egyptologist. Kemp is a professor of Egyptology and renowned scholar who has taught in many colleges and research institutes.
B. What are some examples of scholarly sources that are referenced and cited in this article, chapter, or web article? Kemp, B. (2006). Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization. London: Routledge.
2. In your own words, what is the author’s thesis or the central focus? What would you answer if you described what you read to someone, and then they asked “So what’s the point?”
This book is one the major references or historians studying the civilization of Egypt. He has also authored

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