
Ancient Egypt History

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Egyptian History Egypt is a county whose history dates back to at least 2600 BCE. With that long of a timeline, it is easy to understand how diverse and interesting their history is. The main part of Egypt’s history has been divided into three main sections, the Old kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom. Each kingdom has it’s own stories to tell that make it completely different from the last. From the culture to the pharaohs that were ruling and even the innovations that they were able to achieve, each kingdom was able to flourish in it’s own way. The Old Kingdom of Egypt is believed to have started around 2686 BCE and have lasted to around 2180 BCE (Duiker). The capital of the Old Kingdom is believed to have been in Memphis. During this time, according to stories passed down through tradition, Egypt consisted of many populated areas that were all ruled by tribal …show more content…

The Middle Kingdom is believed to have started around 2055 BCE and ended around 1650 BCE (Duiker) when Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II was able to reunited Upper and Lower Egypt (Metropolitan). He not only did this to bring the country together as one land, but also for political reasons (Duiker). The Middle Kingdom showed an age of transformation with the capital being moved to Thebes (Metropolitan). Art was also transformed during this time. They were able to produce sculptures and monuments out of large stones (Giotto). These would be dedicated to the god-like figures and the pharaohs. Another advancement was that of writing. Writing had already began toward the end of the Old Kingdom for records, but now it was used to record and tell the stories that were normally passed down through generations orally. The Egyptians also learned how to use the Nile River to their advantage. They were able to use its flooding to help provide the soil with nutrients and they also developed irrigation techniques to help increase their agriculture output

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