
Ancient Egyptian Calendars

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Ancient Egyptian Calendars
Time is one of the most important concepts to human beings. Calendars, which are organized fragments of time separated in to days, months and years allow us to keep track of our daily activities. Calendars are similar to the basic necessities of life such as food and water. It is an essential factor that dictates how we live our everyday lives. Without time being interpreted through the means of calendars we would believe that time would be infinite thus, rendering our lives meaningless.
Egyptian cultures were one of the most innovative cultures among the ancient societies. They obtained an extensive amount of knowledge through observations that encompassed astronomy. With all this acquired knowledge they wear able …show more content…

It will also discuss how they developed the lunar and civil calendars and what each was used for. In addition it will also examine a cultural myth in regards to the god Khonsu.

Observations of the Moon
The first Ancient Egyptian calendar was based on the cycle of the moon. A lunar month was calculated according to the start of a new moon. A new moon was when the sun did not illuminate the moon therefore, it was not visible to people on earth. Each lunar month was 29.5 days long and there were 12 lunar months. This gave a total of 354 days in a lunar. The Egyptians acknowledged that the lunar year was 11 days short of the solar year. (Clagett, 2004, p. 1-6).

Calendars The lunar calendar was not ideal for the use of the Egyptians agricultural activities. This was due to the fact that they would have to add an extra month making 13 lunar months rather than 12. This was so the lunar cycle could keep up with the solar cycle. (Clagett, 2004, p. …show more content…

This calendar was based off of the pervious lunar calendar systems used to measure time. The civil calendar was 365 days long, which could better relate to the solar calendar. It consisted of 12 months within one year known as a Toth. Also, each month consisted of 30 days. There was also an additional 5 days added to the end of the civil calendar in order for it to align with the solar calendar.
Although the lunar and civil calendars were made from similar observations and knowledge however; they were used for different functions. The lunar calendar was used primarily for keeping track of festivals and religious celebrations, which were based upon the orientation of the moon. Even in modern society these lunar calendars still play an essential role in religion. The other was in correlation with how the Egyptians would organize the time for agricultural

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