
Ancient Greek Democracy

Decent Essays

This history of Democracy starts in Athens Greece in the 5th century. This was widely immitated at

the time. In a pure Democracy, the majority vote rules, no matter what. There are no guidelines, like a

constitution to base decisions on. This first Democracy in Athens was a direct democracy, there wer no

elected leaders and the decisions were truly in the hands of their citizens. For this to work, there had to

be few enough citizens eligible to vote, that they could attend all meetings and debates. They also had

to have enough free time to be able to attend these meetings. At the time, there were twice as many

slaves as there were male citizens who were eligible to vote so most of them had the time to make it to

political events. To vote, …show more content…

With all of

the Americans that are on food stamps and now Medical, you can decide for yourself, especially with

the vague definitions that can be found on either a republic or a democracy.

In a true democracy, the majority rules. There is no constitution to protect inalienable rights and no

system of checks and balances to hold people accountable and ensure that civil rights are protected. All

citizens are able to have a role in making decisions for their country and are free from government

interference. There is also no right to a fair trial in a democracy. How effective a democracy can be

really comes down to how involved and informed the citizens are. History shows that a democracy can

not last more than 200 years. There always comes a point where the voters realize they can vote to get

themselves money from the treasury and they will vote for leaders who will financially benefit them the

most. It always leads to extreme dependency on the government, great divides between parties,

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