
Ancient Greek Influence

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see the beginning of democracy? To learn so many stories that influence the way we live today? Ancient Greece is where you will find those answers. Ancient Greece was known as the origin of global mythology, literature, and the highlight of western culture.
Ancient Greece played a huge part in creating the myths we know today. Many of our own morals come from such tales. Myths like ‘Jason and the Argonauts’ taught us that when we believe strongly in something, anything is possible. In most of the stories, if not all of them, the gods played some part. In the same story about Jason, the goddess Hera helped our hero. Other myths, they explain things. An example of this is Arachne and Athena, in the creation of spiders. Arachne challenged Athena to a weaving competition and won. In spite of her loss, Athena turned Arachne into what we call a ‘spider’.
As well, Ancient Greece is known highly for the literature of the time. Almost every student at every high school read or is going to read ‘The Odyssey”. Along with The Odyssey, there is “The Iliad”, the prequel to The Odyssey. Additionally, the poems by Homer are known globally, because he was such a strong influence. Ancient Greece is arguably the greatest ancient civilization known for its …show more content…

What they called Greece in the beginning, is what we called ‘Mycenaean Greece’. That era was just before we get into what we called ‘Classical Greece’, the most known of the Greek eras. This came from the Roman and Byzantine Empire’s influences. In this era, literacy, newfound law, and great advances began. The Greeks began to write down history, create tragedies, epics, and so much more. With that, the very roots of Democracy began. All are equal, trial by jury, and elections. On top of all those great things, the Greeks began looks into “biology, geometry, history, philosophy, and physics” (Wiki,

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