
Ancient Greek Women Research Paper

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In ancient Greece women did everything in the house. Often in myths we see the women being treated as prizes, in real life that was also how they were treated. The women had to take care of an entire household and follow all the rules of her husband or father. They didn’t have say in important things, but they had to raise their children the right way. In ancient Greece the women had the roles of taking care of the children, taking care of the house, pleasing a man, and bringing in more money if she wasn’t married to a wealthy man.

Women had very little legal rights, in fact their fathers had “legal control” over them until they were married (“Ancient Greek Women” 1). The fathers even chose who their daughter would marry, whether the daughter loved the suitor or not. The girls were usually married off around the age of fifteen and would have to start a family. After these girls are married off the husbands now have the “legal control” (“Ancient Greek Women” 1). Now that the woman is married it becomes her responsibility to take care of the household and make sure everything gets done. The only time she is not allowed to entire a certain room was when the husband was having dinner with friends (“Ancient Greek Women” 1).

With that being said, the …show more content…

The Rome women were not often written about and were regarded as property (“The Roman Empire” 1). The Roman women’s main role was to be a mother and wife, just like that of the Greek women (“The Roman Empire” 1). The similarities between the two are incredible, two different cultures that treated their women the same way. The Roman women also were not allowed much freedom and female slaves were very common (“The Roman Empire” 1). These women did not have much they needed to do but their roles were very important. While the men are away these women take care of the children and raise them to be how the culture wants them to

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