
Ancient History Gender Stratification Balanced On One Crucial

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Most of ancient history gender stratification balanced on one crucial fact: women have children and men cannot. This automatically increases their value. As the society moves farther away from the risk of annihilation, the roles of the females trend towards the domestic sphere where the primitive hunter-gatherer society requires a greater contribution from girls to survive. Gender roles within particular cultures such as the Asian, African, and Native American societies varied depending on the means of garnering sustenance and religions of the periods, but regardless of similarities, each isolated community formed singular opinions about women distinct from others developing at the same time. Although deviations emerged, women’s place in a culture derived from their ability to care for the children and inability to reconcile to much mobility with childrearing. Therefore, ancient cultures left the domestic sphere to women. They devoted themselves to small agricultural projects, homemaking, weaving, and raising children which allowed them to remain in a sole location for periods of time. Men provided for their families through hunting, gathering, or (in more developed civilizations) agricultural work. Native American women often managed the household including preparing the food, cloth-making, light agricultural work, and childrearing. They were seen as necessary, contributing members of the community. Across the ocean, African tribes shared land instead of obtaining

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