
Andrew Jackson Dbq

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The success of the president is a measure of both the man and the times and while neither are incorrect, historians and voters do not necessarily have the same views on which are the successful ones. The seventh president of the United States, Andrew Jackson, proves this. There is a immense Jackson did many things in his presidency that could be thought of as either successful or a failure. Ever since he was president, each generation has a different view of him. “No other president has been more widely and variously interpreted than Andrew Jackson.” He was a strong-willed individual who, unlike any other president, had complex characteristics and outlooks that made people either hate him or love him. When Jackson became president in 1829, …show more content…

He did sent agent Sam Butler to try and get Mexico to let go of Texas peacefully but Butler’s clumsiness and babbling in diplomatic situations did not help in any way. Emigrants to to Texas led by Sam Houston, an old friend of Jackson’s, led a revolt to grant Texas independence. Even though Jackson wanted Texas to join the union he did not believe that starting a war with Mexico was worth it. He is also criticized for having slaves. Having slaves in 1829 was a completely normal circumstance. In today’s culture it is seen as horrendous but back then it was a completely normal act. They did not believe that whites and blacks were equal or even on the same level. Whites believed that blacks were not people and therefore should not have the same treatment. Jackson told the world that he believed in equality and the rights of man but back then, sadly, blacks were not seen as men. And neither were woman. Jackson is again criticized for not caring about women’s right to vote, even though no one was at that point in time. One of the first things Jackson did as president was sign the Indian Removal Act. It stated that Native Indians that lived in the east had to move to the west of the Mississippi River so whites could expand

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