
Andrew Jackson Dueling

Decent Essays

Bang! Another one dead. Shot by Andrew Jackson, a real monster. When Andrew Jackson comes to mind most people think of a great president who refined the presidency. However, he is not as great as he seems. Andrew Jackson had a very short temper, he fired his whole cabinet, and defied the supreme court. To begin, Andrew Jackson had a very short temper. This temper of his was a contributor to many things that he did. For example, he dueled a lot. How duels work is you get one chance to shoot the other person. In one of these duels Andrew Jackson’s gun misfired and he recocked the gun and shot again, killing the man he was dueling completely breaking the rules. As a result of breaking the rules he basically murdered the man he was dueling. …show more content…

How this unfortunate event came about was Peggy Eaton. She had a supposed affair with a man in her husband's’ army. Everyone shunned her. Andrew Jackson told his cabinet to stop or he would fire them. They didn’t stop, so they were fired. Thus came about the “kitchen Cabinet.” This was his unofficial cabinet he would consult if he had a problem. Finally, Andrew Jackson flouted the supreme court. He wanted to pass a law that would make the indians leave Georgia but, the law was denied by the supreme court. Even though it was denied, Jackson did it anyway. Because of his decision to disobey the court we have the Trail of Tears as a part of our history. The Trail of Tears is what happened when the army came and forced the indians out of their homes at gunpoint. 20% of the indians died during the Trail of Tears all because of Andrew Jackson. Admittedly, some people have the view that Andrew Jackson was a hero and amazing president. He was a loyal, chivalrous war hero and a man of action. He won the battle of New Orleans against the British. Also, he defended Peggy Eaton when the whole white house was against her. However, being the man of action he was, there were a lot of problems. He wasn’t really a “war hero” if the war was already over so he ended a lot of lives that didn’t need to be ended. In addition, by defending Peggy, he fired his whole cabinet. Therefore Andrew Jackson is the opposite of a

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