
Andrew Jackson Essay Outline

Decent Essays

Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States from 1829 to 1837. He was a first generation American. His actions during the War of 1812, especially his victory against British troops at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815 and the Creek War made him a national hero. He is usually considered the first “modern” president. He expanded his role from a mere executive to an active representative of the people, however his Indian removal policies and unwillingness to consider any opinions but his own tarnished his reputation.
Andrew Jackson was born by the border of North and South Carolina on March 15, 1767. In 1778 the Revolutionary War came to the Carolinas and Jackson and his brothers volunteered to fight the British, however only he would survive the war. At 17, Jackson decided to become a lawyer. In 1787 he received his license to practice law in several backcountry counties. In December 1787 Jackson was appointed at a public prosecutor. For the next two years, he practiced law in Nashville and Jonesborough and traveled to several frontier forts. At one frontier fort, he met Rachel Donelson Robards. Jackson went to her in Natchez and may have married her there but there is no record of the marriage. When they returned to Nashville they discovered the divorce had not occurred and Jackson and Rachel would not officially marry until 1794. They did not have children of their own but took in and raised many children.
Soon Jackson found himself engaged

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