
Andrew Jackson: Tolerated Or Despised?

Decent Essays

Although Andrew Jackson was a very controversial president whose presidency very much differed from his predecessors, many Americans consider Andrew Jackson to be the country’s greatest leader since the founding fathers and they view him as an American idol. However, he is also disliked by many and has his share of enemies. This might be due to Jackson’s sometimes violent and vengeful ways that led him to many fights and disputes. He is in fact a quick tempered and extremely proud man, even ruthless might I add, hence he was a serial duelist. His most famous duel was in 1806 with Charles Dickinson over a Horse bet gone wrong. Although he was shot and wounded first, he surprisingly managed to shoot Dickinson dead and survived with a bullet that remained in him for the rest of his life. Yes, Andrew Jackson is known for never backing down. In the War of 1812, Jackson won the rank of major general in the U.S. army after he defeated the tacit allies of the British and was given command of an expedition to protect New Orleans against the British. Andrew Jackson then became known as the Hero of New Orleans. Jackson is a head strong, resilient and can never be knocked down easily which made him an ideal president but in other ways a tyrant. So is he a man to be admired or despised?
Unlike his predecessors, Andrew Jackson did not come from a well-established, wealthy family. He also had no ties or …show more content…

Jackson favored the power of the federal government over that of the states. For example, when the state of South Carolina attempted to nullify a law that was passed by Congress that would increase tariff rates on foreign manufactured goods, Jackson supported the federal government. Similar to his predecessors, Jackson felt that the federal government should have the power and not the individual states. Andrew Jackson worked to require states like South Carolina to obey the laws passed by

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