
Andrew Solomon: Forge Meaning And Build Identity

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Forge meaning, build identity, forge meaning and build identity is a mantra that Andrew Solomon uses to claim his own identity, allowing him to push his own boundaries and as well as societies (4:50). Andrew shows that accepting the worst moments of a person's life, makes up who they are. He persuades others by the using moments of his own life as a prime example to support his statement and uses inductive reasoning to gather generalize ideas about others. This allows the audience to understand the hardship that he has endured and how it affected him in the past and how it made him who he is.

First of all, even before he starts talking, Andrew body posture and how he looks into the crowd feels like there's something that’s weighing him down and …show more content…

This allows the audience to understand that it can be anything that cause you pain, anything that they define as the worst moment they have experienced, can be used as a motive to forge something new. Andrew then allows the audience to see a prime example of forge meaning and build identity, by telling the audience about an interview with a political prisoner from Myanmar. Andrew told the audience that he was dumbfounded that the political prisoners were less bitter about their incarceration. They acknowledge what they did and they were proud; being able to walk out with their head held high for many years (5:41). At the same, Andrew explains the audience that they don’t have to seek painful experience but rather endure the great pan if they believe it's purposeful (8:42). Andrew allowed the audience, to think harder about a moment that they truly felt pain and allowed them to be engulfed by their emotions and allowing them to recall those moments. When a person enters an emotional state, it's easy for another individual to persuade them and Andrew has accomplished

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