
Andromache In EuripidesTiger At The Gates

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Andromache vengefully curses Helen, calling her an “evil incarnate, a curse on both barbarians and Greeks” and one whose “beautiful eyes brought ugly destruction to the noble fields of Phrygia” (Euripides. TTW.781-783). As a female, soon to be slave of Greek enemy forces, she knows she can do no more than curse; at this point in the time, she must accept a fate of servitude or death. The word Andromache stems from ἀνήρ, man, and μάχομαι, to battle or dispute (Liddell).
Her characteristics and actions in Tiger at the Gates appropriately reflect the apparent meaning of her name: one who fights or disputes with a man. In the beginning of the play, pro-war and anti-war sides are swiftly drawn in Troy, with the old men rallying for war and women calling for peace. Andromache is quick to establish her position, along with Hecuba, against war- and against the men. Although she does not lead the anti-war argument (it is Hector and Hecuba who do so), she calmly disputes with Priam in a logical manner, albeit sometimes snarky manner. She acknowledges Priam’s “fondness for women” and so, asks him to listen to what they have to say. She follows this by judiciously asking how their country will be made stronger by sending the vigorous and brave men of Troy to their deaths (Giradoux 21-22). This interaction not only illustrates her wisdom and moral strength, but her desire for peace above all. She knows all too well the bitter tragedies and bleak destructions war will bring, as

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